sábado, 19 de marzo de 2011

Citas de Paul Tripp

"You will never face a day that is not filled with ministry need and opportunity. Are your eyes open to the need, and are you capturing the God given opportunities?"

“Remember, the God Who has called us is parenting us. He is with us in every situation and relationship. Our Father will guide, direct, protect, forgive, deliver and love us. He will never leave us alone. When we are weary and heavy laden he will give us rest. His strength working in us will accomplish more than anything we can imagine. Our Job as parents is not to deliver our children from sin, but to be agents of the only one who can.”

“In the Word we find Hope for our words. This hope is not a dreamy wish or an unfounded expectation. No, biblical hope it’s nothing less than a confident expectation of a guaranteed result. In Him we can win the war of words. We do not have to settle for bitter, angry, destructive, divisive communication. We can have high standards not because of who we are but because of what he has done.”

“Jesus is the Word Who is the only hope for our words!!!In him alone do we find victory in our own war of words?”

“God’s Grace justifies providing complete forgiveness and unwavering acceptance with God. His Grace adopts us, welcoming us into his family.  His Grace enables, empowering me to think, say, and do things I could not do in my own strength. His Grace transforms, radically changing every aspect of my life.”

“My life doesn’t need to be imprisoned by my own rebellion, defeated by my own foolishness or paralyzed by my own inability.  God’s grace is most powerful and effective at the moment of my greatest weakness.”

“Our Mission is to teach, admonish and encourage one another to rest in his sovereignty, rather than establishing our own; to rely on his grace rather than performing on our own; and to summit to his glory rather than seeking our own.”

Un autor de quien he aprendido mucho es de Paul Tripp, el es un professor de tologia practica en Westminster seminary filadelfia, pastor en la tenth Presbyterian church de filadelfia, tambien es esposo y tiene cuatro hijos. En sus libros el habla acerca de; Como Criar hijos adolecentes?, Como hablar piadosamente?, Como vivir siendo discípulos de Cristo?, Como vivir piadosamente en un Mundo caído? Y su umtimo libro trata sobre como tener expectativas realistas en el matrimonio?

Si tu buscas un buen libro que trate sobre como hablar piadosamente, que desglose lo que la Biblia dice al respecto te recomendaría su libro “War of Words”;


Si buscas un libro sobre como Criar hijos adolecentes su libro age of opportunity es perfecto;


CJ Mahaney dijo que “Instruments in the redeemer’s hands” es el mejor libro de consejería que ha leído. Es un libro Biblico, sumamente practico y lleno de sabiduría.


Les animo a asistir a la conferencia de la Iglesia Oasis con Paul Tripp del 7 al 9 de julio. Aquí les envio una pagina con semones de Paul Tripp; http://www.sermonaudio.com/search.asp?SpeakerOnly=true&currSection=sermonsspeaker&keyword=Dr.^Paul^Tripp


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