domingo, 10 de abril de 2011

Puestos los ojos en Jesus

"Look at the Cross until all that is on the Cross is in your heart."

“The Look that blesses us so as to produce tenderness of Heart is a look to Jesus as the Pierced One. It is not looking to Jesus as God only that affects the heart, but looking to this same Lord and God as CRUCIFIED FOR US. We see the Lord pierced, and the piercing of our own Heart begins. When the Lord reveals Jesus to us, we begin to have our sins revealed.”  

“Oh man, He that was pierced with the spear was thy God! On the Cross, behold thy maker, thy benefactor, thy best friend!”

"Brethren, the sufferings of Jesus ought to melt our hearts! I mourn this morning that I do not mourn as I should. I accuse myself of the hardness of heart that I condemn, since I can tell you this story whithout breaking down. Behold and see if there was ever sorrow like unto his sorrow! If you will steadfastly consider Jesus pierced for our sins and all that is meant thereby, your heart must relent. Sooner or later, THE CROSS WILL BRING OUT ALL THE FEELING OF WICH YOU ARE CAPABLE AND GIVE YOU CAPACITY FOR MORE. WHEN THE HOLY SPIRIT PUTS THE CROSS INTO THE HEART, THE HEART IS DISSOLVED INTO TENDERNESS…THE HARDNESS OF HEART DIES WHEN WE SEE JESUS DIE.”
Charles Spurgeon   

“Fijemos la mirada en Jesús, el iniciador y perfeccionador de nuestra fe, quien por el gozo que le esperaba, soportó la cruz, menospreciando la vergüenza que ella significaba, y ahora está sentado a la derecha del trono de Dios.”
Hebreos 12;2

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