jueves, 5 de mayo de 2011

Citas de santificacion parte 2

13) Learn to love the unlovely... Steve Brown

14) Cuando los caminos del hombre placen a Dios, El hace que aún sus enemigos estén en paz con el... Prov 16:7

15) Forgiveness does not change the other person... it changes me  

16) La soledad es el precio que el santo paga por su santidad... A.W. Tozer

17) We become what we worship,   it is the name of a book.... by G.K. Bealey

18) But, you've got to love them... Steve Brown

19) Life is not about tasks... it is a bout people (?)

20) People are the purpose... (?)

21) Three vey important questions: Is it biblical? / What is my motive / Who gets the glory?    Charles Swindoll

22) The measure of a leader is not how many servants he has, but how many people he serves

23) Learn of me for I am gentle and humble in heart... Christ

24) Lord, make me a minister  of grace.... Charles Spurgeon

25) Evangelism is not the goal of the church... worship is... John Piper

26) Be committed to truth... R.C. Sproul

27) Si no quieres caer, evita la tentación... mi hermana Viola cuando yo apenas tenía 12-14 años

28) No hay nada mas desigual que tratar igual a los que no son iguales ... leí esta frase a la edad de 11 años en un libro que mi papá tenía que se llamaba: La Educación del niño excepcional

29) Learn the value of standing alone... my father cuando yo apenas tenía unos 10 años 

30) Fear is of the flesh, panic is of the devil... A.W. Tozer

31) Do everything in the Lord's way, in God's timing and with the Lord' s resources (?)

32) Money can not make the decision... Richard Foster in his book, "Money, Sex and power"

33) El problema, raramente es el problema  

34) You can be absolutely right about what you are saying, and totally wrong in the way you say it

35) Prayer is not measured by how much you get from God, but by how much of God gets into you... E. M. Bounds

36) You have to be "Christ" to other people.

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