miércoles, 8 de junio de 2011

La Cruz y el mundo

“But far be it from me to glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world hath been crucified unto me, and I unto the world.” Gal 6:14

Hablando sobre este versiculo el autor Jeff purswell dice;

“The Cross was the crucial factor defining Paul’s relation with the world. On the one hand, the world was crucified to him. It held no sway over Paul, nor was he dependent upon it for anything. He didn’t crave its approval, embrace its values, or covet its rewards. At his conversion he was crucified with Christ (Gal 2:20); in his union with Christ, his sins had been forgiven and his sinful nature crucified. Life in this world would never be the same. The Cross transforms all the categories of our lives.”
1.       The Cross tells me who I am.
2.       The Cross interprets the World I inhabit.
3.       The Cross transforms my view of people.
4.       The Cross gives my life purpose.

“Through the Cross I’ve been purchased by God and restored to his original purpose for me. I now can know him in this world, reflecting his character and laboring to see his reign expressed throughout creation. What part does the Cross play in your life?”

“When we see our lives in the light of what Jesus accomplished on the Cross, Everything will be different. We won’t be enamored of a fallen world that opposes God; It is for such a world that our savior died. Nor will we ignore the World, unmoved by its needs.”

Worldliness; Resisting the seduction of a fallen world. CJ mahaney, Craig cabaniss, Bob kauflin, Dave Harvey y Jeff purswell. Crossway  2008. P,169-170.

Hoy termine de leer el libro Worldliness es un libro sumamente interesante, tiene temas que se van a dirigir directamente a cada uno de nosostros como jovenes cuando lo estudiemos en el JAD. Es un libro que habla sobre el materialismo, la codicia o idolatría, tv, internet, música, moda y cual debe ser nuestro rol como cristianos en este Mundo. Es un libro muy fácil de leer, sus autores son exelentes, mas adelante estare escribiendo mas al respecto.

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