lunes, 13 de junio de 2011

Glorificando a Dios en nuestras Vocaciones

“Work is a primary way that we are used by God; Martin Luther observed that a person vocation is a “Mask of God”-God cares for his creatures through the hands and labors and efforts of people. So the farmer doesn’t just sow and reap; God provides food through him. The lawyer doesn’t just try a case; God executes justice through him.”

“The trucker doesn’t just drive a routes; God distributes products through him. However oblivious people maybe to this reality, God’s kindness pulses though their daily activities, investing them with nobility, and working though to shower innumerable blessings upon undeserving sinners like you and me. So don’t just do your job, see your job as a way to imitate God, serve God and Love others.”

Jeff Purswell, Worldliness, p.158.     

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